Polje III - living in nature

Team: Damjan Pirc

Polje III: 7.121 m2
No. of dwelling: 109
Dwelling size: 13 - 65 m2

New residential area represents a link between the urbanized and natural space in which the buildings and nature are mixed into one. New settlement is placed on the edge of the city of Ljubljana, where the nature is dominating. The new construction is merged into the nature in order to preserve the green context of the area.

New sealing arrangement and external spaces in the area following the idea of living in nature or dwellings in nature, which means that the focus is on the transition of nature components through the settlement and up the existing content. This enables optimal living conditions in the dwellings (cityscape views, privacy and microclimate), landscape of large green open spaces, direct connection to the surroundings and links between them.
The basic guideline at all levels of design is RRR – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. The settlement is designed from sustainable construction elements and materials. Residential units are extremely flexible and can adapt to the needs of residents at no additional costs.

The design is based on the exploration of the energy potential of natural resources and microclimate characteristics of the actual site. Design is energy – saving and has a minimal strain on natural resources.